Selected, organic, and locally sourced products

Kilometer Zero

Zero Kilometer products are healthier and more environmental-friendly

They are healthier for the following reasons:

  • they are fresh, therefore their organoleptic characteristics and nutritional benefits stay intact
  • imported products are usually subject to less selective rules in terms of health and hygiene measures
  • they are seasonal products and not preserved
  • being fresh they do not need preservatives.

Zero Kilometer products are more respectful to the environment because transport-related CO2 emissions are drastically reduced.

OKE Venezia prodotti BIO

Organic Products

Organic products are good for our body and the environment where we live.

Organic farming refuses the use of pesticides, antibiotics and synthetic hormones. Choosing organic foods drastically reduces our exposure to these substances that are the cause of many food intolerances.

Organic food is richer in nutritional substances, it contains a higher quantity of vitamin C, antioxidants, fibers and minerals, they do not contain neurotoxins that might be found in some pesticides.

Preventing the use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and chemical fertilizers in organic crops helps the environment (aquifer, wild animals’ habitat), protects farmers’ health and increases biodiversity of species that might disappear as a consequence of intensive farming.

Eating organic helps us reeducate our taste: organic products do not contain artificial coloring, additives or flavor enhancers that are commonly used in food industry in order to make us develop some sort of addiction to certain products.

Our Beers

OKE Venezia Birre

All of our beers are raw and unfiltered and they are brewed exclusively with barley or wheat malt, hop, high quality yeast and local untreated water from natural sources.

Blonde – Refermented, fruity aromas, bitter, bold.
Double Malt – High fermentation, spicy, amber.
Red – Sweet taste, caramelized, and dried fruit.
White (like weizen) – Light, fruity, and floral.
Black – Creamy, hints of coffee, licorice, and dried fruit.
APA – American Pale Ale – Golden, hoppy, bitter.